Acctivate Mobile webservice returns an error stating Acct.ini does not exist

Security permissions may need to be added to the Acctivate Data directory in order to allow the webservice to access configuration files

When installing the Acctivate mobile webservice and then browsing to the webservice page, you may receive the following error:

Server Error in '/AcctHandheld' Application.

C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate\Acct.ini does not exist

To resolve, a Windows Admin user will need to browse to C:\ProgramData\Alterity within File Explorer and add permissions for the following two machine accounts. 

  1. Open Properties of the Acctivate sub directory
  2. Select the Security tab, then select the [Edit] button to add additional permissions.
  3. Select the [Add] button to add permissions.
  4. In the 'Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups' window, select the [Locations...] button
  5. You'll be adding a local machine account and not a domain user account, so, select the very top location, which is the machine name you are working on.  Then click [OK] to close.
  6. In the Enter the object names to select field, Enter in:  'IIS_IUSRS' then select [Check Names].  The machine account should resolve.
  7. Repeat this last step, but enter in:  'IIS APPPOOL\ACCTHandheld' (replace ACCTHandheld with the name of your webservice if you didn't keep the default webservice name).
  8. Click [OK] to close the 'Select Users or Groups' window
  9. Increase the level of permissions for these accounts to 'Full Control'.  Close Properties.
  10. Refresh the Mobile webservice page now.