Tips for proper address formatting.

This article provides tips and guidelines on address formats to work smoothly with Acctivate's various integrations.

Due to Acctivate’s integration with QuickBooks as well as it’s potential to be integrated with web shopping carts and shipping software, it’s important that customer addresses in Acctivate are formatted consistently and correctly. It is strongly recommended that custom shipping address formats match the United States Postal Service Postal Addressing Standard. Below is an example of a properly formatted shipping address to a company:


1500 E MAIN AVE STE 201


To edit address fields and ensure the address is parsed correctly, you may use the Edit Address Info window by clicking on the pencil icon above the Shipping Address/Ship to Address box.

When formatting address keep these guidelines in mind:

  • The first line of the address block should always be the recipient, whether a company name or an individuals name. (Acctivate also utilizes a “Ship Attn” field outside of the address block in the event that you have a company name and a ship to attention name).
  • The second line of the address will be the start of the delivery address. It’s preferred that secondary address unit designators (such as APARTMENT or SUITE) should be on this line as well if possible.
  • If necessary, a third and fourth Delivery Address Line are available. See last item in this list for more information.
  • The last line will always be made up of City, State, Zip. *for international addresses there will be another line that has just the country name.
  • If you need to include additional delivery information, such as an email or phone number, place it above the Delivery Address line and under the Recipient line.
  • QuickBooks allows a max of 5 lines in an address block. The entire formatted address should not exceed 5 lines.

International addresses should contain the country by itself in the bottom line. Using the standard 3 letter abbreviation (ISO Alpha-3) is the preferred option for adding a country to the address. If the standard 3 letter abbreviation is unknown, use the full country name. This eliminates any confusion.

Ex: United States of America = “USA”, Canada = “CAN”, United Kingdom = “GBR”

While our mappings with shipping software and web stores can be modified, the default mappings are expecting the address to conform with the above guidelines. There are exceptions to the outlined guidelines, such as military addresses, international addresses, and carrier preferences, however following this structure will ensure that information flows accurately between Acctivate and your integrated software.