Alternative network environments compatible with Acctivate

Acctivate works off a client-server connection across the same network. There are a few ways to use Acctivate when using various other network environments.

Depending on company needs and preferences, Acctivate can be set up to work with different network environments. Regardless of how you decide to access Acctivate, it must be installed on a server that other machines (workstations) access. This may require the help of your IT. 

Below explains the differences between these environments. See our docs page for more on the standard local network setup. For system requirements go here.

Use a VPN to access the network

Acctivate requires the workstation to be on the same network as the server in order to connect to it. If a computer is off-network, such as a laptop or other machine off-site or working from home, setting up a VPN allows the computer (workstation) to connect to the same network as the server. Once on the network Acctivate performs similarly to the standard server-workstation set up on a local network.

Companies may consider using a VPN if users need to access Acctivate off the network and do not wish to use a remote desktop application. This is also useful if users do not have a computer on the network to remote into and use a laptop device or personal computer to work from home.

Acctivate can work with any VPN service that allows the computer to connect to the server network, including Windows standard VPN capabilities.

Use a Remote Desktop application

Remote desktop applications allow users to connect to a computer on the network. The computer remoted into can either be a workstation on the network, such as a work desktop, or the server.

Companies may consider a remote desktop environment when their users need to access Acctivate off of the network or companies have specific terminal server needs.

Any remote desktop (RDP or RDS) or Terminal Server service (TS) application will work with Acctivate. For example, Acctivate can work with the Windows built-in Remote Dekstop, TeamViewer, AnyDesk, or other services. 

Use a virtual server

A virtual or cloud-based server and environment can be used with Acctivate. This allows a company to set up a virtual machine that users will log into to access Acctivate. This functions similarly to a terminal server, only the server is not physical.

Companies may consider a cloud or virtual server when they want someone else to manage the server, have many users accessing Acctivate across multiple networks, are concerned about accessibility, are concerned about the expandability of server resources, or are concerned about security management.

While you can manage your own cloud server, such as with Microsoft Azure, you can also use a hosting provider. See our list of recommended cloud hosting providers here. You may need your IT or a hosting provider to help with the setup.