Backordered Quantity Reserves Product
Overview: If enabled, Acctivate will schedule up to the difference between the product's On Hand quantity and the outstanding Sales Order quantity (Scheduled + Backordered).
If disabled, Acctivate will schedule up to the difference between the On Hand quantity and scheduled quantity.
Acctivate includes a sales order option which determines how the quantities are scheduled on new sales orders and when using the schedule feature in the Business Alerts window and on the sales order window. To toggle this option, go to File> Configuration management> Sales Orders> Order Options. In the "Order Processing Options" you will see a check box for "Backordered quantity reserves product".
As an example, we will use the image below. the Availability is -250. This is because there is a quantity of 450 on orders, but only 200 on hand. Of the two hundred on hand, only 150 are scheduled, leaving 300 on Backorder.
Using the example above, if the option "Backordered quantity reserves product" is checked then Acctivate will not schedule any quantity on new orders for the item above. This is because the "Available" is negative for this product, therefore the quantities currently on backorder will need to be satisfied first and the availability will need to be positive before Acctivate automatically schedules inventory for new orders.
If the option "Backordered quantity reserves product" is unchecked in configuration manager, Acctivate will schedule a quantity up to the difference between the On Hand and Scheduled quantity. In the above example, even though the Available is negative, the difference between the On Hand and the Scheduled quantity is 50, so Acctivate will schedule up to 50 for new orders or when automatically scheduling existing orders using the Business Alerts scheduling tool or the Reset> Schedule option on sales orders.