Those who utilize SAP Crystal Reports or Excel Queries may need to access information from the Acctivate Database. This KB outlines commonly accessed Database Views for Customer information.
All bulleted points are the exact Database View names. It's recommend to use Views (rather than Tables) to access this information.
- Customer
- Customer header information (highlighted in Red). This view contains most customer header information such as Customer Name, Billing Address, Email, CustomerType, Branch, Salesperson, and more.
- Customer header information (highlighted in Red). This view contains most customer header information such as Customer Name, Billing Address, Email, CustomerType, Branch, Salesperson, and more.
- CustomerShip
- Information from the Ship To tab from the Customer window (highlighted in Yellow). This view contains all Customer Ship To Locations per Customer including Ship To Location ID, Address, Email, Phone, Tax Category, ShipVia, and more.
- CustomerShip can join to Customer on Customer.GUIDCustomer/CustomerShip.GUIDCustomer.
- CustomerContact
- Information from the Contacts tab from the Customer window (highlighted in Green). This view contains all Customer Contact information including Contact ID, Name, Title, Phone, Email, and more.
- CustomerContact can join to Customer on Customer.GUIDCustomer/CustomerContact.GUIDCustomer
- ProductCustomer
- Information from the Product IDs tab from the Customer window (highlighted in Blue). This view contains relationships between your customer's product ID's and your product ID's.
- ProductCustomer can join the Customer on ProductCustomer.GUIDCustomer/Customer.GUIDCustomer