Configuring QuickBooks Online Payment Methods for credit card and eCheck processing

When creating a Payment Method in QuickBooks, you have the option to identify the payment as a credit or debit card. The Acctivate sync looks for Payment Methods with a particular name to identify the type of payment.

During a QuickBooks Online sync, Acctivate will attempt to match Payment Methods to a particular Payment Type, which is used to identify the type of payment (i.e., cash, check, credit card, e-check, other, etc.)

Acctivate uses the Payment Type to determine which payment fields to show and, if a payment processor is configured in Acctivate, it is used to determine which payments can be processed online (credit cards and eChecks).

When configuring a Payment Method in QuickBooks Online, use the option "This is a credit or debit card" for Payment Methods which are to be treated as a credit card in Acctivate.

Payment Methods with the following name and the "This is a credit or debit card" option enabled will be assigned the corresponding Acctivate Payment Type during sync.

QuickBooks Online Payment Method Acctivate Payment Type
American Express American Express
Amex American Express
Credit Card Other credit card
Discover Discover
MasterCard MasterCard
Visa Visa
Any other Payment Method with "This is a credit or debit card" enabled Other credit card

Payment Methods with the following name and the "This is a credit or debit card" option disabled will be assigned the corresponding Acctivate Payment Type during sync.

QuickBooks Online Payment Method Acctivate Payment Type
Cash Cash
Check Check
eCheck eCheck
e-Check eCheck
eCheque eCheck
e-Cheque eCheck
Any other Payment Method with "This is a credit or debit card" disabled Other

By naming Payment Methods appropriately in QuickBooks Online, you can ensure that you have the full functionality of payment processing in Acctivate.