Resolving a "Could not load file or assembly. Access is denied" exception

If a user does not have sufficient disk space on their computer at the time of generating/ running a report, then they may receive a message that states "Could not load file or assembly. Access is denied".

In order for computers to run software efficiently, it is recommended that at least 5-10% of the computer's disk storage be free in order to run short-term processes/ store data-- which Acctivate also needs in order to run properly. 5-10% of storage may look different for different computer users depending on how much storage is available for the disk. Users may encounter the following message, or something similar if they are trying to run a report on a computer with insufficient space:

"Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine,Version=13.0.4000.0, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1303' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied."


Steps to resolving the exception

1.) Make sure to empty the Recycling Bin application.

2.) Clear any old backup files/ large files that won't be needed.

3.) Press The Windows Key + R, and in the open field, type "%temp%". 

  1. Press CTRL + A, then press Delete or Backspace.

4.) Delete any unwanted Applications.

5.) Restart Acctivate, then try to generate/ run a report.