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Create Assemblies window

The Create Assemblies window is used to review and finalize product assembly information before batch creating an Assembly Session.

The Create Assemblies window can be accessed from the Inventory menu or by selecting products in the Inventory Manager and using the Create Assemblies action to add them to the Create Assemblies window.

Watch this quick video for an overview on the Create Assemblies window

Editing Assemblies

Once products have been loaded into the Create Assemblies window, products can be reviewed and updated prior to creating an assembly session.

In the grid, you can edit the Build Qty.

Required for sales orders
When certain conditions are met, sales orders which require assembly products will appear in the bottom of the right panel of the Create Assemblies window.

The related sales orders will show when these conditions are met:

  • The assembly product must have backordered quantity on a sales or service order.
  • The sales or service order must not have a credit hold.
  • The sales order line type must be "from inventory" (i.e., Drop Ship and Special Order lines will be excluded).

In the related sales order grid, you will see the Order Number, Order Line Number, Due Date (the Promised ship date if filled in, otherwise the Requested ship date), and the Required quantity (the backordered quantity).

  • Build Qty: Unless it has been previously overridden and saved, the Build Qty will default to the Suggested Restock Qty (See the Suggested Restocking Qty formula for more information) which is in stocking units.
  • Restore Suggested: If you've made changes to the Build Qty in the grid but want to revert back to the current Suggested Build Qty, use the Restore Suggested menu to restore the default suggestions for all, all selected, or all unselected.
  • Remove Products: To remove products from the Create Assemblies window, use the Remove menu to remove all, all selected, or all unselected.

Creating Assemblies

After reviewing and finalizing the build quantities, use the Create Assemblies button to generate an assembly session for the selected products.

One assembly session will be created and each product will be its own transaction. If the assembly product is serial numbered, a transaction will be created for each stocking unit.

For example, if the Build Quantity for a serial numbered assembly product is set to four, then four transactions, each containing an assembly quantity of one, will be generated.

Once the assembly session is create, it will open automatically.

See Also