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Why isn't Crystal Reports Locating All Database Views or New Fields?

Crystal Reports not locating all database views or new fields

There are times when modifying a report using Crystal Reports, the report will not display all the table/view information (i.e. new fields). Maybe the report is pointing at an old database or possibly a completely different database. You will have to update all the table/view information by doing the following.

1. In Crystal Reports Go to > Database > Set Database Location > Expand New connection > Choose OLE DB (ADO)

ABO connection

2. Enter in the Database information. Usually it’s the SERVERNAME\ACCTIVATE, then the “sa” account and password. If you do not know this information, you can contact your Server Admin or the Acctivate Support team.

new database source connection

3. After that, The goal is to match the “Current Data Source” with the new Connection that was made, in this case it’s “Product”. Make sure that’s selected as it’s going to be replaced in the next few steps.

tables and view

4. Expand “Views” in the “Replace With:” section (the new connection) and expand views > Choose “Product”

product in Crystal

5. Next click “UPDATE” to the right and the connection will be updated with the new database source.

new database source

You will have to repeat steps 4 – 5 for every view that’s on the report. After all the fields are updated, close the “Set Database Source” window and view the database fields again.