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Parameter fields usable for Company and Current User information in Crystal Reports.
A list of parameter fields that can be used within Crystal
Crystal Reports is a database-driven report system. Typically, all fields for reports must originate in the database.
However, there are some fields that are not available in database fields that are useful for reports. These fields are handled by creating a special “Parameter” in the Crystal Report with a specific name.
- choose Field Explorer from the View menu in Crystal Reports
- Right-click Parameter Fields and choose New…
- Enter a parameter from the list below in the Name field and click OK
- Place the newly created parameter on the report or use it in a formula
The following “company” parameters are supported. The values for these parameters are set in the Company Information section of Configuration Management.
- _CompanyName
- _CompanyAddress (full address)
- _CompanyAddress1
- _CompanyAddress2
- _CompanyCity
- _CompanyState
- _CompanyZip
- _CompanyCountry
- _CompanyCityStateZip
- _CompanyPhone
- _CompanyFax
- _CompanyEmail
- _CompanyWeb
- _CompanyEIN - QuickBooks US edition only
- _CompanyVATNumber - QuickBooks UK Edition only
- _CompanySSN - QuickBooks US edition only
- _CompanyBusinessNumber - QuickBooks US Edition only
There are a few additional parameters that can be used within Crystal Reports to supply information from the current Acctivate session:
- _Selections - Includes the report filters in sentence form
- _CurrentUserID
- _CurrentUserName
- _CurrentUserSalespersonID
- _Edition - CYMA , QBUS, QBUK ,QBCA