What are the Customer Fields for Message Templates?

See the list below for the values that can be entered into Message Templates for Customers.

The following table lists the data fields that can be entered into the body of an Email Message Template to request specific customer information from the database. Use the message template field as shown in the table. These message template fields can be used when the email message template type is set to Customer or All.


Note: Message templates must be in the following format:



Database Field Message Template Field
Customer Template Type
CustId CustId
CompanyName CompanyName
Name Name
Address Address
Address2 Address2
Address3 Address3
Address4 {Address4
City City
State State
Zip Zip
Country Country
Phone Phone
PhoneDesc PhoneDesc
Fax Fax
FaxDesc FaxDesc
Mobile Mobile
MobileDesc MobileDesc
Pager Pager
PagerDesc PagerDesc
Email Email
EmailDesc EmailDesc
AltPhone AltPhone
AltPhoneDesc AltPhoneDesc
StateSalesTaxId StateSalesTaxId
CreditLimit CreditLimit
CreditHold CreditHold
Status Status
CreatedBy CreatedBy
CreatedDate CreatedDate
UpdatedBy UpdatedBy
UpdatedDate UpdatedDate
Salutation Salutation
FirstName FirstName
MiddleName MiddleName
LastName LastName
Suffix Suffix
Comment Comment
PopupNotes PopupNotes
CCNumber CCNumber
CCDisplayNumber CCDisplayNumber
CCExpMonth CCExpMonth
CCExpYear CCExpYear
CCName CCName
CCAddress CCAddress
CCPostalCode CCPostalCode
PreferredPaymentMethod PreferredPaymentMethod
FullAddress FullAddress
ARAcntId ARAcntId
WebAddress WebAddress
DateOpened DateOpened
LastCreditReview LastCreditReview
OwnershipStyle OwnershipStyle
AnnualSales AnnualSales
CreditRating CreditRating
CreditRatingSource CreditRatingSource
ClosingAgeHistory ClosingAgeHistory
PriceCode PriceCode
TradeDiscountPct TradeDiscountPct
InvoiceText InvoiceText
Login Login
Password Password
DefaultReference DefaultReference
DefaultReference2 DefaultReference2
AlternateCustomerID AlternateCustomerID
MarketingCode MarketingCode
BranchID BranchID
BranchName BranchName
CustomerType CustomerType
SalespersonID SalespersonID
SalespersonName SalespersonName
TaxCodeName TaxCodeName
TaxCodeDescription TaxCodeDescription
Taxable Taxable
TermsCode TermsCode
TermsDescription TermsDescription
OrderCount OrderCount
LastSalesOrderDate LastSalesOrderDate
AvgCollectionDays AvgCollectionDays
BalDue BalDue