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What is the EDI Advance Ship Notice - 856 Pick and Pack File Structure?

Acctivate can export sales shipment notifications to your customers via EDI as the 856. The Pick and Pack (SOPI) file structure contains the Shipment, Order, Pack, and Item rows.

One common format for the Acctivate EDI Advance Ship Notice is "Pick and Pack".  Pick and Pack ASNs are appropriate when shipment cartons contain multiple products/SKUs.

This ASN format typically requires use of the Acctivate Package Manager to specify which items are contained within each carton.  However, it is possible to use this format for shipments with single product/SKU cartons if the EDI Trading Partner requires it.

Please read our EDI Advance Ship Notice article for an introduction to ASNs.

File Structure (SOPI sequence):

  • The Shipment Row (Row Type "S") is the first row in an Advance Ship Notice.  The shipment row contains the shipment address, carrier, service, total weight and other shipment summary information.
  • Sales Order Rows (Row Type "O") are created for each sales order contained in the shipment.  Typically, there is one sales order contained in the shipment, but Acctivate does support consolidated, multi-order shipments.
  • Pack Rows (Row Type "P") will appear for each carton within the shipment.  The Package ID (SSCC-18) is included in the Pack Row, along with the pack quantities, store number, tracking number and weight.
  • Item Rows (Row Type "I") are included for each item in the carton/pack.  Multiple product identifiers are included, along with the quantity and item dimensions.
Shipment Row (One per transaction)
Position Data Data Type Value
1 Row Type String "S"
2 Transaction Type String "856SOPI"
3 Shipment ID String  Acctivate Shipment Number
4 SCAC String SCAC from Carrier (Config Mgr)
5 Carrier Pro Number String Carrier Reference from Shipment
6 Bill of Lading String BOL from Shipment on first Carrier Reference from first Carton
7 Scheduled Delivery Date CCYYMMDD
8 Ship Date Date CCYYMMDD
9 Ship To Name String Address line 1 from Shipment
10 Ship To Address - Line One String  Address line 2 from Shipment
11 Ship To Address - Line Two String  Address line 3 from Shipment
12 Ship To City String  City from Shipment
13 Ship To State String  State from Shipment
14 Ship To Zip String  Postal / Zip from Shipment
15 Ship To Address Code String  NOT SUPPORTED
16 Routing String  Routing from Shipment
17 Ship To Type String  NOT SUPPORTED
18 Packaging Type List "Carton"
19 Gross Weight Real Gross Weight from Shipment
20 Gross Weight UOM List "Pound" or "Kilogram"
21 Total Cartons Shipped Integer  Number of Cartons/Packs in Shipment
22 Carrier Trailer Number String  NOT SUPPORTED
23 Trailer Initial String  NOT SUPPORTED
24 Ship From Name String  Company Name from Config Mgr (Company Info)
25 Ship From Address - Line One String  First address line from Config Mgr (Company Info)
26 Ship From Address - Line Two String Second address line from Config Mgr (Company Info)
27 Ship From City String City from Config Mgr (Company Info)
28 Ship From State String State from Config Mgr (Company Info)
29 Ship From Zip String  Postal / Zip from from Config Mgr (Company Info)
30 Ship From Address Code String  NOT SUPPORTED
31 Vendor Number    EDI Identifier for your company, configurable per Trading Partner (e.g., Duns #, UCC EDI #, Phone)
32 Distributor Address Code String  NOT SUPPORTED
33 Transportation Method List <blank>,A=Air,C=Consolidation,M=Motor (Common Carrier),P=Private Carrier,U=Private Parcel Service
34 Buyers Address Code String  NOT SUPPORTED
35 Product Group String  NOT SUPPORTED
36 Ship To Code  NOT SUPPORTED
37 Ship To Location ID  Ship To Location ID from Shipment
38 Status List NOT SUPPORTED
39 Routing Sequence Code List B=Origin/Delivery Carrier (Any Mode)
40 Time Shipped Time Time (HH:MM)
41 ASN Creation Date Date Shipment Date (CCYYMMDD)
42 Carrier String Sales Order Carrier
43 CarrierService String Sales Order Carrier Service
Order Row (Repeated within Shipment Row)
Position Data Data Type Value
1 Row Type String "O"
2 Accounting ID String  Acctivate Trading Partner ID for Customer
3 PO # String  Customer PO Number from Sales Order
5 Invoice # String  
6 Order Weight Real  Total weight of cartons (or items for Pick/Pack) for this order in the shipment
7 Store Address Code String  Store Location from first carton for this Sales Order in Shipment
8 Buyer Name String  NOT SUPPORTED
9 Order Lading Quantity Real  NOT SUPPORTED
10 Department # String  Department Number from original EDI Purchase Order
11 Destination Address Code String  NOT SUPPORTED
12 Packaging Type List <blank>,CTN=Carton,CTN25=Carton,CTN25=Corrugated Carton,CTN31=Fiber Carton,CTN76=Paper Carton,PLT76=Pallet
13 Lading Quantity Real  Number of Cartons for this Sales Order in Shipment
14 Store Name String   NOT SUPPORTED
15 Store Number String  Store Location from first carton for this Sales Order in Shipment
16 Buyer Address Code String  NOT SUPPORTED
17 Vendor Order # String Acctivate Sales Order Number
18 Merchandise Type Code String Merchandise Type Code from original EDI Purchase Order
19 Product Group String Product Group from original EDI Purchase Order
20 Reference String Reference from Acctivate Sales Order
21 Reference 2 String Reference 2 from Acctivate Sales Order
22 Job Reference String Job Reference from Acctivate Sales Order
Pack Row (Repeated within Order Row)
Position Data Data Type Value
1 Row Type String "P"
2 UCC-128 String  Package ID (option to include “00” prefix)
3 Pack Size Integer   NOT SUPPORTED
4 Inner Packs per Outer Pack Integer  Outer Pack Qty from Carton / Pack
5 Pack Height Real   NOT SUPPORTED
6 Pack Length Real  NOT SUPPORTED
7 Pack Width Real  NOT SUPPORTED
8 Pack Weight Real  Weight of Carton / Pack
9 Qty of UPCs within Pack (Inner Pack Qty) Real  Inner Pack Qty from Carton / Pack
10 UOM of UPCs List "Each", "Case", "Dozen", or "Pound"
11 Pack Size UOM List  NOT SUPPORTED
12 Store Name String  NOT SUPPORTED
13 Store Number String  Ship To Location ID from Carton / Pack
14 Tracking # String  Carrier Package ID from Carton / Pack
15 Gross Volume Decimal  Volume from Product Specs tab X Shipped Qty in Carton
16 Gross Volume UOM List  NOT SUPPORTED
Item Row (Repeated within Pack Row)
Position Data Data Type Value
1 Row Type String "I"
2 User Item ID String  Product ID from Acctivate Product record
3 Trading Partner Item ID String  Buyer Product ID from original EDI Purchase Order
4 UPC # String  UPC from Acctivate Product record
5 Item Description String  Description from Acctivate Sales Order line
6 Quantity Real  Total Quantity for this Item from all cartons/packs
7 UOM List  Stocking UOM from Product
8 Shipped Quantity Real  Same as above “Quantity”
9 Pack Size Integer  NOT SUPPORTED
10 Pack UOM List "Each", "Linear Foot", "Ounce", "Pounds Gross", or "Square Foot"
11 Inner Packs per Outer Pack (Outer Pack Qty) Integer  Outer Pack Qty from Product Specs tab
12 Line # String  Line Number from original EDI Purchase Order or Acctivate Sales Order if no PO line was provided
13 Buyer's Catalog # String  NOT SUPPORTED
14 Volume Decimal   Volume from Product Specs tab
16 Weight Decimal NOT SUPPORTED
17 Today's Date Date CCYYMMDD
18 Reserved   NOT SUPPORTED
19 Unit Price Decimal  Price from Sales Order line in stocking unit
20 Reference String  Reference from Sales Order line
21 Length Decimal  Length from Product Specs tab
22 Height Decimal  Height from Product Specs tab
23 Width Decimal  Width from Product Specs tab