When importing in an 850 EDI Transaction, the locations provided in the transaction file will be used to select the appropriate customer and Ship To location.
Multiple customers in Acctivate can be associated with a single trading partner. When importing in an 850 transaction file, the Mark for Store location (Header Row, Position 15) will be compared against each customer associated with the 850's trading partner in order to select the correct customer for the imported Sales Order.
If the 850's Ship To Location (Header Row, Position 41) is setup as a location, then that location will be used as the Ship To location for the sales order (typically this would be a distribution center that services the store.
For example, the Acctivate customers ABC and DEF are both associated with the Trading Partner Acme. ABC has two locations "Store150" and "DC200". DEF has two locations also, "Store200" and "DC200". In both cases, the stores are serviced by the Distribution Centers (DC).
If the 850 from Acme has "Store200" in the Mark For Store field and "DC200" in the Ship To location field, then the following evaluation will happen:
- The Mark for Store value is compared against both customers to make a match. Since "Store200" exists for DEF, that customer will be used for the order.
- Now that a customer has been selected, the ship to location on the order will be set based on the value in Position 41, if it exists or is different than the store. In this cases, the Ship To of the order would be DC200.
When using the Packaging Manger module, orders that will be shipped to the same distribution center can be consolidated into a single shipment, but each Carton will be identified based on the store (location of the carton tab) that is to be the final destination.