Error Code: 80091007 during install

If you receive the above error when trying to install an Acctivate update, try the steps below.

When one workstation downloads and runs the Acctivate installer, the installer places a copy of itself and other component files in the Update folder on the server (C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate\Update). This allows other workstations to access these update files without needing to download them again.

During an update, if you encounter error 80091007, you may try the following steps to resolve the error:

  1. Delete all the files in C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate\Update
  2. Download the Acctivate installer from the Acctivate Downloads page.
  3. Run the installer.

The installer should complete and repopulate the Downloads folder with the correct files, allowing other workstations to update without encountering this error. 

If this does not solve your problem, contact the Acctivate support team.