Invoice Sync Error: "Error: could not load string. Check status."

This Acctivate and QuickBooks sync error usually means that Sales Tax was suddenly disabled in the QuickBooks Company file. You can enable Sales Tax to resolve this error.

Please refer to this QuickBooks Help article that provides step-by-step instructions on how to Enable and Setup Sales Tax in QuickBooks. In Summary, you can access QuickBooks Sales Tax options from Edit > Preferences > Sales Tax > Company Preferences


Sync Error example:

10/11/2023 9:38:26 AM  | Company    | SYS    | DESKTOP  | Acctivate      |   | 14.0.22  | 14.0.22  | Windows 11 WOW64 build 22621,            | SubmitInvoiceBatch: error while creating invoice 0454582 {CEF759DB-94BC-4682-9570-F5E650539F8A}: There was an error when saving a Invoice.  QuickBooks error message: Error: could not load string. Check status.
10/11/2023 9:38:27 AM | Company | SYS | DESKTOP | Acctivate | | 14.0.22 | 14.0.22 | Windows 11 WOW64 build 22621, | SubmitInvoiceBatch: error while marking invoice/credit memo as created by Acctivate 0454582 {CEF759DB-94BC-4682-9570-F5E650539F8A}: There is a missing element: "TxnID".