Exporting Acctivate Window Grids to Excel.

Several windows within Acctivate, such as the sales order window and business alerts tabs, present information in a grid format. Many of these grids can be exported directly to Microsoft Excel allowing you to sort, organize and manipulate your data.

Export Acctivate Window Grids To Excel

Several windows within Acctivate, such as the sales order window and business alerts tabs, present information in a grid format. Many of these grids can be exported directly to Microsoft Excel allowing you to sort, organize and manipulate your data.

To export these data grids (where available), all you need to do is right-click with your cursor anywhere in the grid. A menu will appear with the option Send to Excel…. Selecting this option will open an Excel workbook and copy the information into it. In order to utilize this option you must have Excel installed on your workstation.

Send to Excel