Navigating the Edit Customer Window.

The Acctivate Customer window has many tabs and sections for updating your customer information. This article contains specific links to training pages about each tab.

The Acctivate Customer window has many tabs and sections for updating your customer information. This article will walk you through the edit customer window. If you'd like to learn about the field types and lengths, please check out our docs page.

You can open the Edit Customer window three different ways:

  1. Click the Customer Icon on the Icon Bar
  2. From the menu bar, select Customer >Customer Information
  3. From the Customer List (Located on the left side of the screen) click the "Edit" button located under a customer's header.

Edit customer Window Tabs:

Optional Tabs

  • Job: If a job is created for a customer in either Acctivate or QuickBooks, the Jobs tab will display with information about each job for the customer. To access a job from the customer double-click the specific job within this tab.
  • Custom: The Custom Tab only appears within the Customer Information window, if a custom field has previously been defined for the Customer window in the Configuration Manager > Custom Fields folder.