Printing/Emailing Sales Quotes

Acctivate has the ability to print directly from a Sales Quote, as well as printing Quotes in batches. Check out this article for a link to our training guide on Printing/Emailing sales quotes.

For some businesses, there is a need to create Sales Quotes for their order fulfillment process. After saving the quote, users can print a quote or email a quote from many places within Acctivate.

Acctivate offers the ability to do this individually or in a batch. Check out or training guide on print and emailing Sales Quotes and Orders, or follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Sales Order Manager
  2. Use the View menu to select the Sales Orders Bar. You'll be viewing the Quotes Button  by default.
  3. Check off the Sales Quotes you want to print or email, then use the Action menu to select Print Quote or Email Quote.
Print New Quotes
To quickly find Sales Quotes which haven't been printed or emailed, you can create a custom Button in the Sales Order Manager with the following configuration:
- Type = Quote
- Order Status = Quoted
- Printed = No

Check off the rows and select Print Quote or Email Quote from the Action menu. Printing or emailing a Quote will move the quote from this button.

Reprint Quotes
To reprint a batch of quotes, you can apply additional filters to the existing Quote button:
1. In the Sales Order Manager, select the Sales Orders bar from the View menu.
2. While on the Quotes button, click the Filter button and add the additional filters:

    - To Reprint All Printed,  add the filter:
        - Printed = Yes
    - To Reprint Quotes Entered on a specific date, add the filters:
        - Printed = Yes
        - Entry Date = 'M/D/YY’
    - To Reprint a range of Quotes, add the filters:
        - Printed = Yes
        - Order Number 'is between' [FirstQuote] and [LastQuote]
3. After filtering the button, check off the rows and select Print Quote or Email Quote from the Action menu.