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Acctivate's Keyboard Shortcuts

Acctivate has a whole host of built-in shortcut buttons (sometimes called hot-keys).

Do you know that Acctivate has a whole host of built-in shortcut buttons (sometimes called hot-shortcut11keys) that are designed to save you time and effort when doing repetitive tasks in the system?

These shortcut keys are designed to allow users to enter and retrieve information from the system with the least amount of effort. Instead of only using the mouse to click icons, users can save time by using a combination of the mouse and shortcut keys.


Shortcut Key Examples
Some of these shortcuts include pressing Ctrl-E to edit most records and Ctrl -S to save them once they're open. Ctrl -N will create a new record (e.g., sales order) or F5 to refresh the window with any changes. Also, holding down the Alt key will show the accelerator keys for the main menu. When doing this, continue to hold the Alt key down to see the accelerator keys within the open menu.

Use the F4 key to open lookup windows

f4One of the handiest shortcut buttons that exist in the entire Acctivate system is the ability to open just about any lookup window in the system by pressing F4.


For example, you can use this shortcut to open lookup windows in the Customer Information window, Sales Order window, Purchase Order window, Product Information window and more.

The most up to date table of our Keyboard Shortcuts can be found on our documentation site.