Using Quick Filters in the Manager Windows.

Quick filters the views by additional conditions. These filters don’t last beyond the time that the Manager window is open, but they can be useful to narrow down the data returned by the standard views.

Examples of Quick Filters in the Manager windows

Within the Manager windows, users have the option to filter the views by additional conditions. These filters don’t last beyond the time that the Manager window is open, but they can be useful to narrow down the data returned by the standard views.

Filter Scheduled Orders by a given date:

  1. Open a Manager window.
  2. Click the “Filter” icon
    1. filterbutton
  3. You’ll now be in the filter set up window. Here, we can add conditions to the filter to sort the data in our views. For now, we will click the + symbol next to the “And” criteria.
    1. andbutton
    2. ordernumberfilter
  4. Initially, it will default to the criteria of “Order Number is…”. We want to change this to be “Order Date is…”. Click on “Order Number” to make the drop down menu appear and select “Order Date” from the list.
  5. Once selected, click on the <enter a value> field and type in the date of your choosing. For this case, we’ll choose 11/8/2016.
    1. adddateapply
  6. After entering it, click “Apply” then “OK”. The filter will now be applied.
    1. filtereddata

There are many ways to use quick filters. This article covered some of the basics, but feel free to experiment and develop your own sets. Whenever you’re done using the filter, simply click the “X” next to the “Filter” icon to revert back to the default views or close the manager window to reset it.