Building Custom/Process Assembly Products.
Inventory > Inventory Assemblies > New > fill out all pertinent information
When utilizing the Variable Build/Batch module, you have the option of not only building assembly items into stock by removing components, but you can also modify the actual quantity used and the yield (process only) produced. This article covers how to build an Assembly (Custom) or Assembly (Process) item into stock.
Acctivate uses the term Session to represent a single production run or batch. Each session may contain Transactions for multiple items, lot or serial numbers.
Building a Custom/Process Assembly Items
The Inventory Assemblies window is used to process each assembly transaction. Component inventory will be allocated to the assembly, reducing the available quantity for sales and other assemblies. Once the assembly session is created and saved, the assembly item itself will show a quantity in the Assy column of the item and the components will show quantity in the WIP column on the items.
- Open the Inventory Assemblies window by clicking Inventory > Inventory Assemblies. Feel free to add the Assembly icon to your Icon Bar, as well.
- Click the New button to create a new session. A unique Session number is assigned to the Assembly transaction. This number will be barcoded for the Inventory Assembly Work Order report. A new Transaction will also automatically populate within the session. Users can Add Transaction, as needed, to build multiple assembly items at one time in multiple warehouses.
- Select the Warehouse to be where the final assembled product will be stocked. If you select a warehouse not listed on the assembly item, you will be prompted to add it to the warehouse.
- Enter the Product ID for the Assembly item and press Tab or use Lookup button to browse the list of Assembly items. Note: F4 is the shortcut for Lookup windows.
- Enter the Product ID for the Assembly item and press Tab or use Lookup button to browse the list of Assembly items. Note: F4 is the shortcut for Lookup windows.
- The default components will automatically populate the data grid
- The Quantity for the assembly item to be built should be entered next:
- Assembly (Custom) will only show Quantity
- Assembly (Process) will have both a build and Yield Quantity field
- The Reference and Production Document are user-defined fields and do not impact the accounting or inventory.
- Assembly (Custom) will only show Quantity
- If utilizing Lot/Serial numbers or Bin Locations, either enter this information now or before posting into inventory.
Adjusting Components and Posting Session
- There are four quantity fields for each component item:
- Std Unit – Standard Quantity per each Assembly unit
- Std Qty – Standard Total Quantity for the Assembly Quantity
- Unit Qty – Quantity per each Assembly unit for this transaction. You can adjust this for any components marked as Variable. You can make adjustments to the component quantities during any stage of an assembly, including planning, manufacturing or post-production.
- Act Qty – Total Quantity for the Assembly Quantity for this transaction. This will be calculated based on the Unit Qty and the Assembly Quantity.
- Adjust components for this assembly transaction:
- Delete any components not used in production – Select component row by clicking grey box to left of product ID. Press the Delete key and confirm deletion. This is only available for assembly components.
- Add Non-Standard Components – Click in last, blank row in grid. Type Product ID or use Find Product window to add the component item.
- Enter Substitutions – Select the Product ID for the component to be substituted. Change the product ID, select the appropriate warehouse, enter the Unit Qty and Location.
- Record Lot/Serial Numbers – Select the Lot/Serial # from the drop-down. Only one Lot or Serial number can be selected for each component row. Add another row for additional Lot or Serial numbers. Make sure to adjust component quantities for each lot/serial number.
- Select the Bin Location – The primary Warehouse Location will be visible for each component and a drop-down appears to select the actual location, if the Multiple Location Control module is enabled. Only one location can be selected per row. When the need exists to select multiple, add the item to the bottom of the component list, select the next location, and enter the Act Qty used.
- Click Save. The components are immediately allocated to Work In Process (WIP)inventory for purchasing / re-order and the assembly item will have Assembly (Assy)quantity listed.
- Click Print on the Assembly toolbar to view the Inventory Assembly Work Order form.
- This is a standard Inventory Assembly Workorder that can be followed during production.
- A barcode encoded with the session-transaction number (e.g., 12345-2 for transaction #2 in Session 12345). This barcode can be scanned to quickly update the Workflow Status using the Change Assembly Work Order Workflow Status tool from the Inventory menu.
Post Assembly into Inventory
- Make sure to enter any Lot/Serial Number, as well as Location, depending on the configuration of Acctivate and your items before posting. The lot/serial number is required when the assembly item has a lot/serial control type.
- Adjust the Yield quantity, if using Process Assemblies, when the build quantity and yield differ.
- When posting, Acctivate adds the Yield quantity to inventory rather than the Build Quantity. All component Act Qty are removed from stock regardless of Yield.
- Click Post on the toolbar when you’ve finished your changes. Choose Yes when prompted to "Post inventory transaction?"
- 4. Work in Process for component inventory will be cleared and the Assembly quantity is added to inventory.
- 5. The Inventory Assembly Register report will be presented for either Preview or Print. This report includes the accounting details, such as the cost of components and total finished goods inventory. The Variance between the original Production Quantity and the actual Yield quantity will be available on this report.