Log off users

In certain scenarios, you may need to forcefully log out another user.

There are certain scenario where you may need users to log out, such as when installing an update. Or, a user may be logged in who is not actually using the software and you want to free up a login for another user.

Acctivate version 13.0 introduces a way to log off users.

NOTE: While this functionality was implemented in Acctivate version 13.0, you will only have the ability to force log off workstations on 13.0 or later.

All workstations must use the same Acctivate data source.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you ask users to log out themselves so that they have an opportunity to save their work. Once you forcefully log off a user, they will receive a notification within one minute of the request and their only option will be to close Acctivate.

Log off users during a database upgrade

After installing a new version of Acctivate, you may be required to update the database. A database update requires that all users are logged out. If other users/workstations are logged in you will see a list of the user and company logged in.

If all the workstations logged in are also on version 13.0 or later, you will have the option to force log off all the users, or you can ask them to log out and Retry.

Only system administrators can perform a database upgrade and therefore they will also be the only users who can force log off users.


Log off users from within Acctivate

For any other instance where you need to log a user off, you can do it from within Acctivate. You must must be a system administrator to perform the following steps:

1. In Acctivate, navigate to Help > View Current Users

2. Click on the user you want to log off and choose Log Off User