Find & Group in Manager Windows

New to 12.3, you can type in the Find Panel to search grid results and group the grid by fields. This functionality is available for all Manager windows

Watch this video from (0:02-0:38) to learn how to use the Find and Group features!

Enabling and Using the Find Panel

  • View → Find Panel (or Ctrl+F)
  • You can also use Ctrl+F to place the cursor in the Find field.
  • Type in text to search and further filter the grid results
  • To hide the Find Panel, uncheck it from the View menu.

Enabling and Using the Grouping Panel

  • View → Grouping Panel, Right-Click a column header in the grid and select Show Group By Box, (or Ctrl+G)
  • To group by a certain field, drag columns from the grid to the Grouping panel or right-click the field and select Group By This Column. Multiple levels of grouping are supported. 
  • Drag fields back to the grid or right-click and select Ungroup to remove grouping of that field
  • Right-Click fields within the Grouping Panel to expand the menu to expand, collapse, sort, summarize groups, and more.
  • Right-Click anywhere within the Grouping Panel to expand the menu to expand, collapse, and clear groupings. 
  • To hide the Grouping Panel, uncheck it from the View menu or right-click within the panel and select Hide Group By Bar.

Using the Group Summary Editor

The Group Summary Editor enables users to customize the summarized information displayed in each group header.

  • Right-Click fields within the Grouping Panel and select Group Summary Editor... from the context menu to open the Group Summary Editor window . 
  • Go to the Items tab to choose which fields appear in the header. You can select from the following options:
    • Max: Displays the highest value (alphanumerically).
    • Min: Displays the lowest value (alphanumerically).
    • Average: Calculates the average of numerical data.
    • Sum: Calculates the total by adding all numerical data together.
  • Go to the Order tab and use the up and down arrows to arrange the sequence of how the information appears.

See Also: