Migrating Data from One Acctivate Company File to another Company File.

Some tips on moving your data from an older Acctivate company file to a new company file.

For some users with multiple Acctivate Companies, there may come a time when you would like to migrate the data in one of the companies into the other. This can be due to a merger or a variety of other reasons. Typically, users are interested in bringing over customer and product information to the target company, but there may be other parts that need to be migrated as well. In this article, we’ll mainly focus on the customer and product information and what can/can’t be migrated.

There are two primary set of information linked to Customers and Products in Acctivate: descriptive data (things like product ID, Vendor settings, prices, warehouse assignments) and historical data (transaction history, customer activities, emails, associated orders). For the most part, descriptive data is easy to move since you’ll just need to set up an import to bring over the info.

When it comes to the historical data, that cannot be easily brought over. This is primarily due to the multitude of connections within the database that deal with historical data. For example, from the database perspective, an order is connected to an invoice, which can be connected to a payment record, shipment, and overall transaction record. Additionally, these orders are pulling from certain warehouses/places within the set inventory of that company file. Orders can be imported into the system, but attempting to bring over old or completed orders could lead to problems. Therefore, if you need to import orders into the target company, try to limit the amount of older orders imported and mainly focus on orders from the last week.

The cleanest route to take if you need to move data between companies, would be to import in the descriptive data and use the old company file as a reference for historical data or create a report that will show you the relevant information.