Missing GL Expense Account on the Other Amounts tab when Invoicing a Purchase Order

In some cases, the Expense Account does not populate automatically when Landed Cost is checked on the Other Amounts tab of the PO invoice window. To resolve, void Landed Cost session, delete the Other Amounts line, and re-create Landed Cost

When utilizing Landed Cost on Purchase Invoice, checking the Landed Cost checkbox will open the Landed Cost window and you can choose how to allocate the Amount to the products received against this purchase order. Before using Landed Cost, be sure you have configured the Landed Cost Account.

When using Landed Cost, the Expense Account should always default to use the warehouse's Landed Cost Account set in the Configuration Manager. However, in some cases, the Expense Account does not populate automatically. This is a known issue that has been reported to our development team.

When Landed Cost is checked on the Other Amounts tab of the PO invoice window but Expense Account is blank, you may receive an error when attempting to create the PO Invoice.

Missing GL Expense Account for Line X, "", on the Other Amounts tab.

Purchase Invoice was not created.


  1. Void the Landed Cost Session
  2. Delete the Other Amounts line
  3. Re-Create the Other Amounts line and Re-create the Landed Cost session.