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Configuring Payment Methods in QuickBooks Desktop

The Payment Type assigned to a Payment Method will determine which payments can be processed online. Payment methods are maintained in QuickBooks.


To configure QuickBooks Online Payment Methods for processing credit cards and eChecks in Acctivate, refer to this KB article.

Overview of Payment methods and Payment Types:

Acctivate synchronizes the Payment Type list, in addition to the Payment Method list from QuickBooks Desktop to determine your various payment forms available. 

The Payment Type assigned to a Payment Method will determine which payments can be processed online (i.e., credit cards and e-checks). 

If your payment type list is not up to date, you may receive a error trying to open the Customer Payment Window. To fix this, simply sync with QuickBooks.

Creating new Payment Methods:

Like the Vendor and Salesperson lists, payment methods are created and maintained in QuickBooks. Below is a quick guide that walks through how to add a new payment method into QuickBooks and then sync this data into Acctivate.

  1. Go to Lists -> Customer & Vendor Profile List -> Payment Method List
  2. In the Payment Method List window that appears, click the arrow next to "Payment Method" and click "New"
    1. Alternatively you can simply right click the window and click "New" or you can use CTRL+N
  3. Give your new Payment Method a name, and type. Name is what will appear in Acctivate when selecting payment methods and type is the kind of payment method for the payment. For information regarding payment types and how they are used in Acctivate, please see the chart below.
  4. Click "OK" to save the Payment Method.
  5. Perform a QuickBooks synchronization to see and use your new payment methods in Acctivate.
QuickBooks offers a number of payment types to assign to your payment methods. Acctivate will react differently to each payment type. This can determine whether or not you will have to provide extra information to save the payment and or authorize/charge payments. 

See below for a helpful table of all Payment Types and how Acctivate responds to them:

QuickBooks Payment Type Required Fields in Acctivate Optional Fields in Acctivate Processable
Cash No Required Fields. Reference # NO


No Required Fields.  Check Number NO
American Express A full Credit Card number 
Expiration month/year
Postal code
Discover A full Credit Card number 
Expiration month/year
Postal code
MasterCard A full Credit Card number 
Expiration month/year
Postal code
Visa A full Credit Card number 
Expiration month/year
Postal code
Other Credit Card A full Credit Card number 
Expiration month/year
Postal code
Other No Required Fields Reference Field NO
Debit Card A full Credit Card number 
Expiration month/year
Postal code
Gift Card No Required Fields. Reference # NO

Name on Account
Routing Number
Account Type
Account Number 
Account Phone (If using Intuit Payments to Process)

Bank Name (If using to process.)

Check Number YES*

*E-Check processing through added in Acctivate 11.3.

Creating a CC/E-Check payment for use WITHOUT entering in a full number:

There may be situations where you want to have a credit card or E-Check payment method however, you do not want to have to enter a full credit card/check number. This is very common with webstore setups as well as payment reporting purposes.

To do this, create a payment method in QuickBooks to identify the "dummy" credit card/E-Check method and assign it a payment type of "Other."

This will allow you to have a payment method that can be used for reference, but will not require a full CC/Check number and also will not be used for authorizing/charging payments.

For more details as well as a example scenario of how to do this, please see this article.