How to print or email a Pack list.

You can print or email Pack Lists in bulk from within Acctivate for a sales order by using the Action menu in Order Manager or individually in the Sales Order Window.

Printing and Emailing in bulk from Order Manager

  1. Open Order Manager via the Sales menu or the Icon Bar
  2. Select (check off) orders with scheduled quantities (green or yellow symbols)
  3. Action > Print Sales Pack Lists > Select specific shipping form to print
    • To email, choose Email Sales Pack Lists and select the form you wish to email
  4. A preview of the pack lists will open on screen based on the orders selected
    • When emailing, the email window will populate for the user to select an email template to utilize. A PDF copy of each pack list will be attached to an email to be sent to your branch email address (one email per pack list).
  5. Print the forms when ready

Printing and Emailing from Sales Order Window

  1. Open the Sales Order window via the Sales menu or Icon Bar
  2. Manually type the order number followed by the Tab key or use the lookup window to find the one you need to print
  3. Click the Action button at top of the sales order
  4. Choose Print Pack List or Print Pack List with Components. The forms “with components” in the name show Kit components only.
      • To email, choose Email Pack List or Email Pack List with Components depending on your need. The email address will default to the Branch email address for these forms.