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How to print or email a Pack list.
You can print or email Pack Lists in bulk from within Acctivate for a sales order by using the Action menu in Order Manager or individually in the Sales Order Window.
Printing and Emailing in bulk from Order Manager
- Open Order Manager via the Sales menu or the Icon Bar
- Select (check off) orders with scheduled quantities (green or yellow symbols)
- Action > Print Sales Pack Lists > Select specific shipping form to print
- To email, choose Email Sales Pack Lists and select the form you wish to email
- A preview of the pack lists will open on screen based on the orders selected
- When emailing, the email window will populate for the user to select an email template to utilize. A PDF copy of each pack list will be attached to an email to be sent to your branch email address (one email per pack list).
- Print the forms when ready
Printing and Emailing from Sales Order Window
- Open the Sales Order window via the Sales menu or Icon Bar
- Manually type the order number followed by the Tab key or use the lookup window to find the one you need to print
- Click the Action button at top of the sales order
- Choose Print Pack List or Print Pack List with Components. The forms “with components” in the name show Kit components only.
- To email, choose Email Pack List or Email Pack List with Components depending on your need. The email address will default to the Branch email address for these forms.