Printing sales orders.
Use the Print Order option from the printer button at the top of the order window to print one individually. For batches, use the Action menu of the Sales Order Manger.
Acctivate has the ability to print directly from a Sales Order, as well as printing Orders in batches. Below you will find steps for both options:
Print Individual Sales Order
- After all pertinent information is entered on the Sales Order window, either click the Print icon or select the drop down arrow next to the icon.
- When selecting from the drop down, choose the appropriate option based on the reports listed. There will be a Print and Email option for each report.
- A preview window will open to show you how the report will print (open pdf attachment when emailing to view document).
- Select the Print button from the preview to select the proper printer or elect to Save as another file type.
Print Sales Orders in a Batch
You can print multiple Sales Orders in a batch from the Sales Order Manger by following these steps:
- Navigate to Sales -> Sales Order Manager from the top menu.
- Use the View menu to select a Bar, such as the Sales Order or Workflow Status Bar.
- Click on a Button, such as Ready to Acknowledge and check off the orders you want to print or email.
Tip: Ready To Acknowledge is filtered on all sales orders that are Booked, Scheduled, or Backordered which have not had their Sales Order form printed or emailed. - When the report Preview comes up, it will list the order numbers printed in the left panel. At the top, you see the list of page numbers (25 total pages printed in the screen shot). Users can navigate through each order by using the arrows next to the page numbers or by clicking on any of the order numbers listed on the left hand side.
- Once the Preview or Email window opens, the Sales Order Manager will refresh in the background and the printed orders will move out of the Ready to Acknowledge button. However, they will remain checked and can be located under the Open button. This allows you to perform additional Actions, such as printing a Pick Ticket.
Reprint Orders
To reprint a batch of sales orders, you can apply additional filters to the existing Open button:
1. In the Sales Order Manager, select the Sales Orders bar from the View menu.
2. Click on the Open button, then click the Filter button and add the additional filters:
- To Reprint All Printed, add the filter:
- Printed = Yes
- To Reprint Sales Orders Entered on a specific date, add the filters:
- Printed = Yes
- Entry Date = 'M/D/YY’
- To Reprint a range of Orders, add the filters:
- Printed = Yes
- Order Number 'is between' [FirstQuote] and [LastQuote]
3. After filtering the button, check off the rows and select Print Orders or Email Orders from the Action menu.