The Product Information window allows you to control virtually all aspects of your products in Acctivate.
The Product Information window allows you to control virtually all aspects of your products in Acctivate. This article will describe the seven tabs of the Product window, including information on the data fields found on each tab.
Inventory Tab

The Inventory Tab contains the most commonly referenced information on the Product window. Below is a list of the fields on this tab, as well a description of each field.
- Active: checked, the product is available for sale.
- Discontinued: If checked, notification will be given during order or quote entry for Discontinued products.
- Available on Web: If checked, the product will be included in the Export Product List function for web orders.
- Product ID: Products are identified by a Product ID of up to 159 characters in length. The Product ID may contain numbers, letters, special characters and embedded spaces.
- UPC: This field holds the unique UPC code for this specific product if they are pre-coded.
- Alt Product ID: An alternate product ID is a value that may be used as an alternate lookup key or may be printed on the sales and / or purchase documents.
- Description: A description should be entered for each product to quickly describe the type of product. This description will be used and displayed from many windows inside of Acctivate.
- Alt Description: An alternate description to further identify and clarify specific products beyond the general description. Uses for this include language differences, technical or sales descriptions, commercial and government descriptions or simply an extended description.
- Color: Another descriptive category used to define the specific type of product. Often the same product will be offered in different colors.
- Size: Products may be differentiated from other similar products by their size.
- Keywords: Used to differentiate products, when using the Lookup button.
- Product Type: Allows you to categorize products through types.
- Item Types: Note: If a product has been used in prior transactions, the Item Type cannot be edited.
- Inventoried
- Non-Inventoried
- Drop-Ship Only
- Labor
- Other Charges
- Shipping
- Product Class: Each product is coded with a product class. A list of allowable Product Classes is maintained in Configuration Manager and specifies the Sales and Cost of Sales GL Accounts for the Product Class. Products may be organized by Product Class for selection and reports may be selected or organized by Product Class.
- Sales Category: Another method of categorizing inventory is for sales analysis purposes. Products may be defined as being part of a specific sales category.
- Bill of Materials: Products may have no bill of material associated with the product. Bill of materials options is described in this article.
Prices Tab
This tab is a powerful feature in Acctivate that allows products to be priced in numerous ways. Special prices may be established for certain types of customers by Price Code, or the list price may be configured based on the cost using one of five formulas.

- List Price: Each product may specify a standard List Price. This is the default price that will populate on a Sales Order when the product is selected.
- List Price Type: Each product may specify a List Price Type.
- P ( Price ): Sets the price to dollar amount listed in Price/Pct column. This overrides the existing list price for the product.
- C$ ( Average Cost + Amount ): Charges the average cost for the product plus the dollar amount listed in the Price/Pct column. Average cost is the total value of a product divided by the quantity of the product.
- C% ( Average Cost + Percent ): Starts with the average cost for the product and adds a numerical percentage listed in the Price/Pct column. Average cost is the total value of a product divided by the quantity of the product.
- L$ ( List Price + Amount ): Charges the list price for the product plus the dollar amount listed in the Price/Pct column.
- L% ( List Price – Percent ): Starts with the list price for the product and subtracts a numerical percentage listed in the Price/Pct column.
- M$ ( Last Cost + Amount ): Sets price by using the last cost for the product and adds that dollar amount listed in the Price/Pct column. Positive numbers add to the last cost and negative numbers subtract from the last cost. Last cost is based on warehouse.
- M% ( Last Cost + Percent ): Starts with the last cost for a product receipt and adds the percentage listed in the Price/Pct column. Positive numbers add a percentage to the last cost and negative numbers subtract a percentage from the last cost. Last cost is based on warehouse.
- S$ ( Management + Amount ): Charges the management cost for the product plus the dollar amount listed in the Price/Pct column. The management cost is located on the inventory tab of the product and is based on warehouse.
- S% ( Management + Percent ): Starts with the management cost for the product and adds a numerical percentage listed in the Price/Pct column. Positive numbers add a percentage to the management cost and negative numbers subtract a percentage from the management cost. The management cost is located on the inventory tab of the product and is based on warehouse.
- Unit: The unit of measure specified for the price ($1.00 each and $1.00 per lb can mean two different things in Acctivate).
- Price Category: Products may be priced by a Price Category that is shared with other products. In this shared pricing model, a common set of prices may be established for a particular Price Category.
Substitutions Tab
The Substitutions Tab allows users to add products that serve as a “substitute” when the main product is out of stock. If the product is for a custom kit (marked as Bill of Materials, Kit (Custom) – only available with the Custom Kitting add-on module), this is where substitutions can be configured for each component of the custom kit product. These Substitutions will be the only products on the Lookup window when replacing components on the sales order, so you do not have to choose from the entire product list.

Vendors Tab
A list of vendors may be maintained for each product. Clicking in the Vendor Name field will invoke a Lookup button ([…]) allowing users to select a vendor. Users can add the Vendor Product ID, pricing, unit for that price (if you order by Case etc.) The information for the last PO will be stored on the right side.
Note: The Vendor List is maintained in QuickBooks. To add a vendor to this list, create the record in the Vendor Center of QuickBooks, then run a sync with Acctivate.

History Tab
A history of all sales, purchasing and assembly documents (i.e., sales orders, purchase orders, credit memos, etc.) for the product are displayed on this tab. The details for a specific document can be viewed and/or maintained by double-clicking its data grid row or selecting the row and clicking View Order from the window’s toolbar. Users can also sort by Type (Sales Documents, for example), or click the Date column to order by date (ascending or descending).

History tab document types include:
- All Sales Documents
- Sales Orders
- Sales Quotes
- Credit Memos
- Service Orders
- Service Activity Materials
- All Purchasing Documents
- Purchase Orders
- Requests for Quote
- All Assembly Documents
- Assembly Work Orders
- Work Order Components
Transactions Tab
Like the History tab, the Transactions tab contains information about transactions that involve the specified product. Users can filter transactions by type, warehouse, or location (if multiple locations are enabled), or use the “Look for” text field to specify a transaction number.

- Adjustments
- Assemblies (and assembly components)
- Balance Adjustments
- Counts
- COGS Adjustments (legacy)
- Issues
- Landed Cost sessions
- Receipts
- Sales
- Transfers
Popups Tab
This tab allows users to create notes that will “pop up” when the product is added to a Sales Order or a Purchase Order. If the “Popup” checkbox is unchecked, the note will only be displayed on the Product window.

Specs Tab
This tab allows users to enter more detailed product information. These fields are not required when creating a new product, but may be helpful when using Package Manager or when adding a link to an external document to the product. The user has the ability to enter an URL as the external document or choose a file location via the browse button.

Notes Tab
The Notes tab of the Product window allows users to create date-sensitive notes relevant to the product. Selecting a “Followup” date will create a Business Alert that users can later review as needed.

Activities Tab
The Activities tab is optional, and is only included if users have purchased the Business Activity Module. This tab will display any Business Activities linked to the related product.