Product Information Window - Inventory Tab
This article explains the options and features that are shown in the Inventory Tab of the Product Information Window of Acctivate.
This tab displays inventory levels for the specific product in each warehouse, as well as a total of those inventory levels for all warehouses; other information for inventory management of the product, such as the control type, cost method, location of the product in the listed warehouses, and more.

- Control Type: indicates whether a product is Standard, Lot numbered or Serial numbered. The list of allowable Control Types is maintained by in the Configuration Manager.
- Cost Method: Each product may have a Cost Method.
- Management tab: Displays the following information for the warehouse selected in the data grid to the left. This information needs to be specified on each Warehouse listed on the item. Read more on our docs page.
- Costs
- Mgmt: The cost that management has set for the target cost to be paid for the item in this warehouse. (i.e. "This product should cost about $1.50 per piece for a normal shipment")
- Last: The last cost at which this item was received from any vendor to this warehouse.
- Std: The standard cost, which only appears if the Cost Method is set to Standard.
- Inventory Management: Quantities are based on the defined stocking unit of measure for the product.
- Reserved: Allows you to allocate a quantity for a special purpose. For instance, if you know that you have a special customer that always orders a certain amount each month, you can reserve this amount, so your frequent customer will always be able to get stock.
- Min Stk Level ( formerly Reorder Point): A user-defined quantity, which if the on hand inventory and the on order quantity fall below this reorder point, then the item will be flagged on a purchase report and displayed in the Inventory Mgmt tab of the Business Alerts window.
- Min Ord Qty (formerly Reorder Qty): A user-defined reorder quantity based on usage history and vendor pricing, which should be purchased when reordering this product.
- Max Stk Level (formerly Stocking Level): A user-defined quantity to determine the optimum amount of this item in stock. If the inventory has fallen below the reorder point, the stock level will indicate the quantity of stock that the inventory should be replenished to on the purchasing reports and the Business Alerts window.
- Costs
- Locations tab: Displays the following information for the warehouse selected in the data grid to the left. Quantities are based on the defined stocking unit of measure for the product.
- Primary Location: The primary warehouse location for the product in the selected warehouse.
- Primary Stocking Level: The primary stocking level of the product for the primary location.
- Location: Other warehouse locations the product is stocked, which are added when receiving inventory or in the Configuration Manager.
- Available: The quantity available for sale for the location.
- OnHand: The quantity on hand for the location. This includes all inventory that has been allocated to scheduled orders that have not yet been released for invoicing. It does not contain inventory transactions not posted.