Resolving error code 80070005 when installing or updating Acctivate.

Sometimes a company may receive error code 80070005 when trying to update Acctivate or install Acctivate on a new workstation or server. This article will give you steps to troubleshoot and fix that error code.

Error code 80070005 typically means access denied. This can have a variety of causes:

  1. You do not have access to the install/update location. You probably will need admin access for new installs.
  2. The install package you're using is out of date and no longer available. (Typically this happens when trying to install an old preview build as those are no longer available when a new build releases.) You should head to our downloads page for the latest release build.
  3. You have a network endpoint security application blocking Acctivate from accessing the installation file server. If you have Sophos endpoint security or Sonos endpoint security, you will need to disable them for the time being. These are confirmed security applications that will block access, but others such as Sentinel One might block access as well.
  4. You have broken/corrupted Windows components that may be required to install/update Acctivate. 
    1. You should try running Command Prompt as an administratior and type in "sfc /scannow" (without quotes) and seeing if any corrupted components are found and repaired. Perform a reboot after.

If you try all of the above steps and nothing works, reach out to Acctivate support for additional troubleshooting.