Setting share Permissions on the AcctivateData Folder.

Find the location of the AcctivateData share folder, usually in C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate.

Please Note: For new server installs after 12.2 this information is irrelevant as we no longer have file shares. This information is for legacy customers. 

One of the most common problems that prevents a user from accessing Acctivate on a workstation is related to the Windows sharing and user permissions on the Acctivate folders on the server.

All workstations must have the ability to read and write to the AcctivateData folder on the server.  The Acctivate installer creates these shared folders, but you may have issues with folders created by other methods.

  1. On the computer where the server Acctivate Primary Installation was performed, locate the Acctivate Data Program Files folder. The default location is C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate.”
  2. Right click the “Acctivate Data” Folder, then click Properties.
  3. Click “Share…” on the Sharing then choose Everyone in the user drop-down and click Add.
  4. Share the folder for Everyone with Read and Write permissions.

Permissions of the AcctivateData folder are not changed during an upgrade, however performing a Repair installation will cause the folder permissions to revert to their defaults.