Create a product class associated with a tax Other Current Liability account. Then, create an Other Charge product in Acctivate with that product class to add to orders.
A Non-Inventoried Product can be set up in Acctivate to bring in tax charges at the line level. This is usually for tracking tax or handling tax differently, as directed by your accountant. Bringing in sales tax at the line level allows you to not have Acctivate re-calculate the sales tax. This is most commonly used on web store orders syncing into Acctivate. For non-webstore orders, tax should be configured using the Tax Category.
NOTE: Similar setups can be followed for Shipping Charges, Restocking Fees, Promotions, Rebates, or any other charges or discounts.
Create the Sales Tax line item
- Create a Product Class for Sales Tax in Configuration Manager. Set both the Sales and COGS GL accounts to an Other Current Liability account, as no COGS entry will exist for the detail line. In QuickBooks, if using a Sub Account for the Other Current Liability account, its Parent GL Account must also be of the same type.
- Create new sales tax product
- Item Type: Other charge
- Product type: Other
- Product class: The sales tax Product Class created in step one
- Cost Method: None
- Stock Unit: Each
- Add the product to an order that needs to have tax calculated.
- If this is not for a web order or order import, change the price to be Order Amount * tax percentage and use the TAB or ENTER key, with a quantity of 1; or manually calculate tax amount and add it.
- If this is for a web store, you can follow these directions on how to update the web store mapping if you're experienced with making webstore mapping changes. Otherwise, Acctivate support can help to make these mapping changes.