Webstores may have different fulfillment channels, for example Amazon has AFN (Fulfilled by Amazon) and MFN (Fulfilled by Merchant), these can be split up into two different channels in Acctivate using an Xpath.
You must have two webstore templates for this. One where orders are only selected for AFN in one template, and MFN in the other template.
To bring in ONLY MFN channel orders
Subdocument: Order
In the “Tables” section:
Table: Order Header
Parent Table: (Blank)
Select: /ns1:Orders/ns1:Order[ns1:FulfillmentChannel/text() != ‘AFN’]
To bring in ONLY AFN channel orders
Subdocument: Order
In the “Tables” section:
Table: Order Header
Parent Table: (Blank)
Select: /ns1:Orders/ns1:Order[ns1:FulfillmentChannel/text() != ‘MFN’]
The Webstore sync is bringing in Cancelled orders when import in from the webstore. Is there a way to exclude one or more of these status types (“canceled” or “Awaiting fulfilment”)?
Exclude orders of a certain status (or statuses)
Subdocument: Order
In the “Tables” section:
Table: Order Header
Parent Table: (Blank)
Select: /orders/order[status/text() != ‘Cancelled’]
Optional Select to exclude multiple: /orders/order[status/text() != ‘Cancelled’][status/text() != ‘Awaiting Fulfillment’]
Is there a way to map to Bigcommerce’s Embossing fields?
Embossing Example
Match: /response/data/items/item
select: ../../configurablefields/item[ordprodid=current()/orderprodid and fieldname = ‘Embossing’]/textcontents
When importing orders in, there are duplicate products on the detail lines!
If you are using a Magento webstore with configurable products, Acctivate may produce duplicate order detail lines. To correct this, go to the Source Value screen in the Tables grid, enter this value into the Select column on the Order Detail row (taking care not accidentally enter it into the Order Detail Charge/Discount rows– widen the Table column to make sure you are entering into the right row):
Import any lines that do not have a parentID
Subdocument: Order
In the “Tables” section:
Table: Order Header
Parent Table: (Blank)
Select: items/array/value[not(parent_item_id/text() != ”)]