QuickBooks Online sync error "Error creating QB journal from Acctivate...Fill out at least two detail lines to continue."

The error below typically means that a journal could not be created in QuickBooks Online due to a Debit and/or Credit account missing.

Inventory transactions in Acctivate sync to QuickBooks Online as a journal entry. The journals created during the QuickBooks Online sync must have a Debit and Credit account. 

If one or both accounts a missing, due to GL accounts not being configured in Acctivate, QuickBooks Online will block the creation of the journal with an error message like the following:

Error creating QB journal from Acctivate cbd82c6f-c530-406b-8b0f-338ad1dfc4d5 (0010451): BadRequest. Details: Business Validation Error: Fill out at least two detail lines to continue.

To resolve, make sure that all the GL accounts are configured in Acctivate. GL Accounts can be configured for each Warehouse, Branch, and Product Class (or which ever field Sales/COGS are mapped to). Refer to our Accounting Guide for more information.