Troubleshooting Sync Warnings "Invoice...has changed" in QuickBooks Online

Sync Warning “Invoice...has changed”

From time to time, you may notice a sync warning stating something like:

Warning Invoice The amount of invoice B3350Z has changed from $10.00 in Acctivate to $20.00 in QuickBooks.

Warning Invoice The customer of invoice B3371Z has changed from {OriginalCustomer} in Acctivate to {NewCustomer} in QuickBooks.

Warning Invoice The date of invoice B3371Z has changed from {OriginalDate} in Acctivate to {NewDate} in QuickBooks.

These are sync warnings, not errors. The difference is that a sync error is preventative, meaning that the sync was not successful and did not complete for the reason specified in the log. A warning is just informational, in this case, alerting a user that something has changed. If the message is to be expected, then it can be safely ignored. 

In some cases, the change will remain while in other cases the change may stand, but in other cases the changes may be reverted back to match the invoice/PO invoice in Acctivate.

The error above is informing the user that the Total on a Sales Invoice which was created in Acctivate has changed in QuickBooks.

This is also true for Purchase Invoices (Vendor Bills in QuickBooks). If an bill is released from Acctivate then modified in QuickBooks, you will notice a warning stating something like:

2023/04/24 08:58:08 Warning POInvoice QuickBooks bill TestPoInvoice (PO 1262): Amount has changed from 50 to 75

QuickBooks Online changes supported by sync.

Invoices created in Acctivate sync to QuickBooks Online for financial purposes. Generally, if a change needs to be made to an Acctivate-created invoice, it should be made in Acctivate, however some changes are supported.

QuickBooks Online sales invoice changes that give a warning but are not reverted.

  • Changes in the invoice amount due to a sales tax difference in QuickBooks Online will result in the sales tax amount in Acctivate being updated to match QuickBooks Online. 

QuickBooks Online sales invoice changes that give a warning and result in the invoice being changed to match Acctivate

  • If the change in the invoice amount is due to line-item changes on the invoice in QuickBooks Online, the next sync will change the invoice line items back to match the Acctivate invoice line items. 
  • If the customer on an Acctivate-created invoice was changed in QuickBooks Online, the next sync will change it back to match the invoice in Acctivate.
  • Changes to the Invoice Date in QuickBooks Online will be reverted to match Acctivate's invoice date.

QuickBooks Online purchase invoice changes that give a warning and result in the vendor bill being changed to match Acctivate

  • Vendor
  • Vendor bill amount

QuickBooks Online sales invoice fields that, when changed, will sync back to Acctivate

  • Terms
  • Due date
  • QB Class
  • Tax Category (QuickBooks Online tax rate)
  • Invoice Discount (Starting in version 12.2)