Why am I Unable to Connect My Avalara Account with Acctivate?
If the URL for Avalara is failing to connect, try these steps below.
When trying to add the AvaTax connection to Acctivate, the following message is troubleshoted in a few different ways.
Unable to connect to account: The user or account could not be authenticated.
The suggested URL for AvaTax is https://avatax.avalara.net. If this still doesn't work, try the URL in the email Avalara sent to the email associated with the account (the person who set up the AvaTax account). If you don't have access to this email or if the email credentials do not work, try recreating the credential. You can go into the AvaTax Console and reset the integrations. This will break all integrations, and reset the credentials, not just for Acctivate. You can save this file to come back to it later. AvaTAx will also re-email the information. Then if this still doesn't work, you will need to contact Avalara support to have them investigate the issue.
For steps on integrating Avalara AvaTax with Acctivate, see our guide.
Troubleshooting steps
- Verify the credentials entered are correct. Review the email with the URL, Account Number, License Key, and Company Code. Double check everything is the same. If copy and pasting the data, be sure there are no extra spaces, returns/blank lines, or carriage returns. It's recommended to type the information instead of copy/pasting it into Acctivate.
- Check different URLs to see if that works. Doublecheck the URL. Avalara URL should be https://avatax.avalara.net exactly. If you have a sandbox account or test account with AvaTax, please contact them for the recommended URL.
- Reset the Integration Connection on the AvaTax Console. Save the credentials and be sure they are emailed to an email account accessible. This will break all integrations, and reset the credentials, not just for Acctivate.
- Contact Avalara support to have them investigate the issue. Often, they will test the credentials and their team will search for the resolution.