"Unable to locate required IIS components" during Acctivate Mobile installation

Run the installation under a Windows Administrator account, Review the required IIS components for Acctivate mobile, or temporarily disable Malwarebytes before the mobile installation.

  1. Sign into a Windows Administrator account and try to install Acctivate Mobile again.
  2. Ensure all  Internet Information Services (IIS) components are installed beforehand. 
  3. Try the following if Malwarebytes is installed:
    1. Uninstall Internet Information Services (IIS). 
    2. Temporarily fully Disable Malwarebytes
    3. Reinstall Internet Information Services (IIS).
    4. Install Acctivate Mobile and enable Malwarebytes after the installation completes.

Unable to locate required IIS components. Acctivate Mobile requires that the IIS 6 Management Compatibility components and ASP.NET be installed. Please install them and run the Acctivate Mobile Setup again.