Updating a ChannelAdvisor web store connection to skip canceled orders.

ChannelAdvisor web store connections will skip orders that have been canceled as well as open orders where there are no lines to fulfill.


The steps below only apply to ChannelAdvisor web store connections in Acctivate version 11.3 sp2 or later. 

  1. Navigate to File > Import Sales Orders
  2. Click on your ChannelAdvisor template and click Edit
  3. Click Next until you reach the Options screen. Here, change the Show advanced configuration settings option to Yes.
  4. Click Next to view the Source Values page.
  5. Change the Subdocument to Order.
  6. In the Tables section change the Order table's Select statement to:
     //ns2:OrderResponseItem[ns3:OrderState != 'Cancelled']
  7. In the Values section, change the Header_Deleted name's Select  statement to:
    a:IIf(ns3:OrderStatus/ns3:CheckoutStatus = 'Cancelled', 'Yes', a:IIf(sum(ns3:ShoppingCart//ns3:Quantity) <= sum(../ns2:OrderFulfillmentResponse[ns2:OrderID=current()/ns3:OrderID]/ns2:FulfillmentList/ns2:FulfillmentDetailResponse/ns2:ItemList/ns2:FulfillmentItemDetailResponse/ns2:Quantity), 'Yes', ''))
  8. Click Next, then close the window. When asked if you want to save the import, choose Yes.