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How to view the EDI transaction files.

Some key ways to view EDI transaction files

The Acctivate EDI Manager uses tab-delimited text files to exchange data with EDI service providers.  The contents of the text files are viewable in standard text editors, such as Notepad.  However, Microsoft Excel can provide a convenient way to review the EDI transaction data for accuracy.

1. Locating EDI Transaction files

The EDI transaction files are located in the EDI provider’s mailbox folders.  You can find the location of these folders by running Acctivate EDI Manager and taking note of the folder location for a transaction (e.g. Import Purchase Orders).

The following instructions are for TrueCommerce Transaction Manager.  However, other EDI providers may use a similar mailbox folder structure.

The Import and Export directories are typically located on the main server, under the Transaction Manager installation path.  For example, this may be C:\Program Files\True Commerce\Transaction Manager\Export\.  Open Windows Explorer and navigate to these folders.

The Purchase Order file is typically named PurchaseOrder.txt and located in the Transaction Manager \Export directory.  Once processed by Acctivate, the file is moved to the \Export\History subdirectory.

EDI transaction files generated by Acctivate are typically located in the \Import directory.    This includes the Advance Ship Notice (ASN) and Invoice.  Once processed, the files will be moved to the \Import_Archive directory by Transaction Manager.

2. Opening an EDI transaction file in Notepad

The file extension for Acctivate EDI transaction files is TXT.  Simply double-click on the TXT file, once located in Windows Explorer.  The file should open in Notepad or the default text editor in Windows.

Notepad is not the ideal application to review EDI transaction files.  We recommend using Microsoft Excel to view the transaction.

NOTE: Microsoft Excel can damage the EDI transaction when using the SAVE command. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you make a copy of the TXT file outside of your EDI transaction folder.

First, press CTRL+A in Notepad to Select All of the contents of the EDI file.  Then press CTRL+C to copy the contents to your clipboard.

3. Viewing EDI transaction in Microsoft Excel

Open Microsoft Excel and press CTRL+V to paste the contents from Notepad into Excel.

By default, Microsoft Excel uses column letters, such as A-Z, instead of column numbers. The Acctivate EDI specification refers to column numbers, not letters.  Therefore, we recommend that you temporarily adjust Excel to use column numbers (i.e. R1C1 style)

Instructions for Microsoft Excel 2010:

  1. Click File from the Excel Ribbon toolbar
  2. Choose Options from the list on the left to open the Excel Options window
  3. Click Formulas in the list on the left
  4. Check the R1C1 reference style option and click OK