Customizing columns shown on the sales order window.

New to 12.2 is the ability for an admin user to add and remove columns on the sales order window. The sales order grid columns will show the same for all users in the company.

With the new sales order grid added in 12.2 comes the ability for Acctivate admin users to customize the columns that users will see on a sales order. If a certain column does/does not apply to your business, you can now add/remove it from view to simplify the data shown. 

Please Note: Only an admin user can hide/show columns and all users will see the same columns depending on user permissions. 

Columns can be changed using the Option button located on the right side of the sales order window. Simply click Options and then hover your cursor over Show Columns and then click to check and uncheck the fields you'd like to show/hide. 


You can find the list of all the columns and their definitions below:

Required Columns:

  • Line Number
    • The line number for the detail line.
  • Line Type
  • Product ID
    • The Acctivate Product ID for the detail line.
  • W/H (Warehouse)
    • The Warehouse the detail line will be deducted from.
  • Location (Only if using multiple locations. Will not appear if not using multiple locations)
    • The warehouse location the detail line will be deducted from.
  • Ordered Quantity (Abbreviated as Ordered)
    • The total quantity ordered originally for the detail line.
  • Ordered Quantity Unit (Abbreviated as U/M)
    • The total quantity ordered unit of measure for the detail line. 
  • Scheduled Quantity (Abbreviated as Sched)
    • The current scheduled quantity for the detail line. 
  • Backordered Quantity (Abbreviated as B/O)
    • The current backordered quantity for the detail line.
  • Price
    • The unit price for the detail line.
  • Price Unit (Abbreviated as U/M to the right on the Price column)
    • The pricing unit for the detail line. Usually, the same as the ordered unit unless using "catch-weight" products.
  • Amount
    • The total amount for the detail line (Ordered/Scheduled Quantity * Price - discounts.) Can be toggled between ordered and scheduled by clicking the header on the bottom of the grid. 

Optional Columns:

  • Description
    • The product description field for the detail line.
  • Line Instructions
    • Detail line specific instructions for the detail line. Good for engraving information or any other customization/personalization. 
  • Line Reference
    • Detail line specific reference information. 
  • Line Detail Custom field
    • Detail line-item specific custom fields. All custom fields can be shown. Custom fields are also shown in the "Custom Field" tab on the order footer.
  • Length
    • Detail line length. This is pulled from the product's Length field on the Product Spec tab. Can be edited if marked Variable.
  • Weight
    • Detail line weight. This is pulled from the product's Weight field on the Product Spec tab. Can be edited if marked Variable
    • For catch-weight lot numbers, this field is ignored and instead the weight is entered in the Lots  tab in the footer. 
  • Price Code (Abbreviated as Pr Cd)
  • Price Quantity (Abbreviated as Pr Qty)
    • The detail line price quantity. (How many units are being charged for essentially.) 
  • % Off
    • Detail line discount percentage.
  • Product Class (Abbreviated as Class)
    • Detail line product class. Can be changed if "Allow product class change on order entry" is checked in Configuration Manager.
  • Cost
    • The detail line's cost of goods. Can be shown as the Average cost, last cost or the management cost.
  • Margin
    • The margin based on the detail line's price and cost. Shown as both an amount and percentage. Margin is calculated by the following:
      • Margin Amount: (Unit Price - Unit Cost) * Ordered Quantity
      • Margin Percent: ((Amount-Total Cost)/Amount) * 100


Please Note: The Customer Product ID column no longer exists. The Customer Product ID information can now be viewed in the Detail tab at the bottom of the screen after selecting an order line.


Users may also notice the "View Product" and the "View Dropship/ Special Order PO" buttons are missing. We have articles explaining those changes as well: